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I love Christmas, but at the same time it drives me just a little bit "Crazy"! The anticipation for it drives me nuts, then it gets here, and is gone in the blink of an eye! This year Christmas was FUN though, having a almost two year old to celebrate it with was just exciting!! Oh what fun it is to play Santa! We got to spend time with lots of family and even though Daniel had to work Christmas day we were blessed in that "business" was slow allowing him to spend some time with us even though he was at work.
You know I'm going to have to show you "What a difference a year makes" but I always love to go back and see how much Ella has changed in a year.... Here ya go
Today while Ella was napping I sat here reading all my old blogs from this past year. What a year it has been. Even though my child is almost 2 I feel like this year I really grew into being a Mommy. I learned to value all the little things with Ella. Although it was a scary year at times with all the Hospital and Ambulance rides, and Personal Battles.. I feel like it was a good year. What makes it a good year to me is that I've learned something from all the Good, and all the Bad... I'm so ready for 2012, starting with celebrating Ella 2nd birthday party next weekend!
I can finally sit down and write this blog with dry eyes. As for the last 3 days for me have been hard. It may seem funny to some of you especially the ones who don't love dogs as Daniel and I do, but to us she was not just a dog she was apart of our family. The loss of our 8 month old Saint Bernard Sash was heart wrenching. She was such a fun loving dog and did nothing but love Daniel, Ella, and I. Our house has been quite and seems just a little bit empty without her here anymore. What made it worse was how fast she passed. Saturday she was fine, and Monday morning she was Dead. This is a huge loss to our little family. I've enjoyed looking at pictures of ALL the fun we had together over those short 8 months... Enjoy... Love you Sash :(