Sunday, December 26, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Greatest man in history, named Jesus, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today. Merry CHRISTmas!!!

Wow, it’s hard to believe that Christmas has already come and gone. I’m so bad….I’ve already started taking down all of my Christmas decorations, and cleaning up this cluttered MESS!

Christmas this year was sooo much fun! When you have a child you get to experience the JOY threw their Eyes. Not only was this Christmas great because it was our first Christmas with Ella, it was made Extra special because it snowed ALL day and was absolutely gorgeous! Here are some of Pictures from a really special day…

                                                                   Meeting Santa


Sunday, December 12, 2010

She's Walking

So a Day before Ella turned 11 months old she just decided that she was going to start walking. It was a really exciting moment as you can imagine for Daniel and I. We have had a bet going sense Ella was 6 months old, about when we thought she would start walking.... I Won that bet. :)  Here she is in action!~


Friday, November 5, 2010

She's Mine, but She's still the cutest thing I've ever seen

So I'm really irritated with myself... I take so many pictures of Ella, but this first year of her life I have been sooo bad about taking more video of her. I broke out the video camera today, and the last video I look of her was on July 13th, 4 months ago!!! It was pretty amazing watching how much she had changed in just 4 short months though. The video showed her rolling over for the first time, with Daniel and I cheering in excitement. Now Ella is standing and wanting soooo badly to walk. She's just a little afraid about taking that first uneasy step. 
For her first Halloween I made her costume. It was important to me to make it. I wanted it to be something special I would keep and show her one day. Here are some pictures...

Although she has pale skin and red hair, she is the furthest thing from looking like an Indian. She was still the Prettiest little Indian I have ever seen.


                                                 Ella with her Greatgranddy "Pops"                                                   

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dear Ella,



On Sunday, October 10th, 2010, we dedicated you to the Lord. That is to say, we promised before our church family, our friends, your grandparents, and God that we would do our very best to raise you in a Christian home.

A home in which you see prayer as a regular part of life.

A home in which you see worship as a daily part of life.

A home in which you see the love of Jesus in the little things

A home in which you are raised with love and grace.

A home in which you will always feel safe, happy, and encouraged.

A home in which you would hopefully come to know Jesus as your personal Savior at an early age.

Your Daddy and I love you so very much

Friday, September 10, 2010

BIG 8 Months!

       It seems like it was just yesterday I was writing a blog about Ella turning 7 months old and yet here I am talking about her turning 8 months old…. Wow this year is truly flying by. It’s hard for me to believe that in 4 months we will be celebrating Ella’s 1st birthday. Because of the planner that I am I have already started planning this party and have a HUGE file folder saved on my computer with endless web pages saved with party supplies and ideas. I’m determined to make her first birthday perfect. Ella has really amazed me this past month on how quickly she learned to crawl. One day she was trying to figure it all out, and the next day she was all over the place. It still freaks me out a little that when I walk in the next room she can follow me in there now. I like it though; it’s nice to not have to carry her all the time. I must say it is baby proofing time. I never realized all the little things she could get into until she started crawling around. Some things I don’t even notice, but she will spot something on the other side of the house and take off for it. It’s funny; Daniel and I are constantly putting things up higher and out of her reach. I’m already trying to figure out how in the world I’m going to put a Christmas tree up this year. I have this image of Ella pulling it over on herself. Here are some new pictures of her in her Georgia outfit. Were in the process of training her to be a Georgia fan… Not a tech fan like all the other crazy people in our family LOL. Oh and of her first boo boo. I had to take a picture of that!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Daddy's Girl

These days Ella is keeping Daniel and Me very busy... She is one big ball on energy. She wants to walk so bad, she can hardly stand it. She gets very frustrated with herself that she can't just take off and run. I think that she thinks she's a 2 year old trapped in a 7 month olds body. She's also becoming a Daddy’s girl BIG TIME. She will hear Daniel down in our garage taking off his boots, and get all excited because she knows Daddy is home. She's in love with him, I told Daniel he needed to be prepared for the day that she’s going to want to know why he can't marry her like all little girls want to marry there Dad’s. I love to see them together. There is nothing that can make your hubby more attractive then to see him loving all over the baby you made together.

We took Ella to a hotel in Atlanta recently for a little one night get away. Thank goodness we didn’t go far. She absolutely hated sleeping in a pack in play in the hotel room. So after only 5 hours of being there we had to return home. She did really enjoy swimming in the pool though, that was the main reason that we went. Here are some pictures from our 5 hour vacation!

Family Picture



Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where does time go?

Where does time go…Seriously? I’m getting old and I don’t like it. It seems like just the other day I went out on a blind date with Danny, that was over 6 years ago! WHAT! I guess time flies when you’re having fun. When I met Daniel he was 21 and I was 17….Haha still can’t believe my parents even let me date him. (I’m sure glad they did though.) I wasn’t even a senior in high school. I dare Ella to bring a 21 year old home when she is a junior in high school. I can tell you right now the answer to that will be “NO!”.

It’s so funny, all the years Daniel and I were together before we had Ella we were 100% sure that we would NEVER have kids. … Then along comes Ella. Now Daniel and I go out on date nights alone, and pretty much all we can talk about is ELLA, when we are all together all we can do is constantly stare at her and be entranced by every little thing that she does.

We were having a conversation last night laughing about what we were doing this time last year…., and how much our life together has changed in just a few short months.

This time last year Daniel worked nights, and I’m pretty sure that every night we were not in bed before 2 o’clock in the morning. Now a day as soon as 9:00 hits were sitting on the couch looking at each other just waiting on the other one to say first “ready for bed..?” LOL Last year we would do anything to stay out of the house, now if we get to spend all day at home and relax that is A GOOD DAY! It’s so funny when you have a baby how they completely change what you find important in life. Daniel and I basically maul each other to be the first one to get Ella out of her crib in the morning. (It’s our favorite time). Who can blame us look at this face, and the drool…..


Sunday, August 8, 2010

7 Months Already....

Today Ella is 7 months old. I truly cannot believe it has been 7 months sense we welcomed our little girl in to the world. She has truly blessed Daniel and me in a million different ways. These days she is trying to crawl and learning to pull herself up to stand. She’s quite impressive…. She’s eating everything! I mean everything. Daniel and I can no longer eat in front of her without her crying because she wants to taste it too. She’s also really starting to develop her own personality. I must say though she may look just like Daniel, but everything else is just like ME. Scary I know! Her little attitude with wanting things RIGHT NOW, and her overwhelming feeling of wanting to do things that she cannot do yet (She’s going to be hard headed). It’s so funny how she gets frustrated at the fact that she can’t walk yet. Her newest thing lately is constantly yelling “DA,DA,DA,DA!”. This just makes Daniel so excited. I did have to bust his bubble though and remind him even though she only said it a few times one day, that she did say “Momma” first. LOL Ella is growing so fast, I weighed her today and she was a whopping 20lbs!!!! You have got to love fat babies with rolls and cellulite. I’m pretty sure though that is the only time in your life that having rolls and cellulite is so darn cute! Here’s her 7 month picture….


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Here I go...

So… I have decided to create a place where I can go Journal. Sit down and write all the many things that run threw my head during the day, and also create a place where I can document our lives. I want a place where I can share pictures and thoughts about family….mostly of my little pumpkin Ella. I would love for Ella to be able to look back on this one day to see what her life was like when she was little. I seem to have trouble finding the time to scrapbook and journal, so maybe I can print these pages and save them. Also this will help keep family updated on our lives, sense our family lives anywhere from Wisconsin to North Carolina to Tennessee. This first picture was taken on my first Mother’s Day with my two favorite people. This is one of my favorites. More to come…